Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Raw Review 3/9/15

The Authority opened up raw 
To welcome back Randy back
Randy than went off on them but apparently was messing with them
I doubt it tho cause Man I felt Randy is better being away  from the authority and being on his on the man is extremely talented on his own and I think I can him going further without anyone holding him back. I feel that he is having something up his sleve just a matter of time I feel!

Daniel Bryan vs bad news Barrett (Daniel Bryan wins) than Barrett hits daniel with a bull hammer and than as Barrett walks out Dean came out and attacked him
Of course the hole running away with his championship is still going on 
And making it kinda funny and exciting to watch 
I can't wait to see who will walk out with the ICtitle at WrestleMania
Connor "The Crusher" Michelek
Is being honored with the warrior award at the hall of fame I think that it is so awesome and well deserved 

Dean Ambrose defeated stardust 
Than all those who involved in the ladder match for the ICtitle brawled I believe the last dude is daniel but I could be wrong and to sum it up r Truth walked out with the championship 

Brock & Haymen 
Ugh they annoy me haymen talks and talks and talks but that's him as always 
Brock can talk so why not have him work up the match at wrestlemaina instead of haymen I mean he's the champ not haymen 

Kane & Big show vs Erick & ryback 
Erick roman & ryback won 
I think Erick & ryback are one heck of a team and I could see them as great tag team champs in the feature 
& than Stephanie came out and told them to leave the arena bc they aren't the same monster or gaint 
I mean I like seeing the regular monster & gaint again they've always been super talented
Miz and mizdow still crack me up 
I hope mizdow shows up miz soon and starts being his own person without him.
Aj beat Summer Rae
Short match again 
Should of been better 
There will be no diva tittle match at wrestlemaina just a tag team match with the Bella's vs paige & Aj I mean when well there be a diva title match? I wanted to see it change hands or being shown for grabs like the other titles.
Promo for sting vs triple h 
Than resev and John exchanged words 
Now it's resev vs axel 
Resev wins of course 
I'm tied of resev and his stupid stuff 
And now John cena came out after resev said stuff about America again 
Lena told John that fine he can have resev at wrestlemaina for the U.S. title if he let him go 
And in all honesty I hope John wins tired of seeing resev as champ 
Promo for wyatt calling out undertaker again 
New day vs Cesaro and Kidd
New day won
Naomi vs Natayla 
Naomi won
Los Matadores vs uso's 
Los Matadores won
 Again wyatt try's to get undertaker to accept his challenge 
Undertaker accepted the challenge finally
Roman reigns vs seth Rollins & Randy Orton
Regins won 
Randy cost the match and attacked him 
I knew it was a matter of time 
Rating for raw over all I would say 6 out 10 
It wasn't as good as last weeks 
They gave the divas a shorter match again I honestly think it could be better if they actually cared what viewers thought 
Well I hope you enjoyed :)
See you for Smackdown 😁

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